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General William Whipple Signature with Rank
Item #: 23242
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General William Whipple Signature with Rank.2 1/8” X 7/8” Prior to the Civil war Whipple served frontier duty across New Mexico. While there Whipple participated in the Gila Expedition of 1857 against the Apache’s, the Navajo conflict of 1858, and the second battle of Fort Defiance on April 29, 1860. Whipple served on the staff of David Hunter during the first battle of Bull Run. During the battle, Whipple's horse was shot out from under him. Whipple was then sent west to serve as assistant adjutant general for the Army of the Cumberland on November 12, 1863. He would then join Major General Thomas as his Chief of Staff from December 5, 1863, to June 27, 1865. During this period he would be reappointed and confirmed to the rank of Brigadier General in September 1864 and be present at the battles of Missionary Ridge, the Nashville Campaign, the Chattanooga Campaign, and the Siege of Atlanta among others. Whipple would also serve as an aide-de-camp to General Sherman for five years, Chief of Staff for the Military Division of Tennessee, and was brevetted to major general in the regular army in March 1865.

Shipping Weight: 0.25 lb
$100.00 USD
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