Levi W. Norton 72nd NY Chaplain 2 fine letters
and six CDV grouping
Letter 1 A long 3PP, 4to letter, Norton write of
the rebel artillery throwing shells at the passing Schooners and finding
shells. He even draws one and mentions
that one man met the rebels and they were from Texas.
Letter 2 1Page, 40 He details a tragic accident
where men playing with a live shell died in the explosion and several others
are wounded. He had to bury the man who immediately died.
1 Mile from Budds Ferry Maryland Oct 21st
My Dear Lib,
I sent you a miserably written letter this
morning on the March and was obliged to send it as it was for Parker was ready
in the saddle for a start. We arrived at this camping ground about 11 o’clock
after an 8 mile march this morning. The day has been cool and pleasant and all
felt well. My jaw has felt miserable enough was sure the tooth was broken off.
Our journeys end is reached and we are not over 40 miles at the outside from
Camp Caldwell. Captain Williamson, the engineer Capt. has been out prospecting
and you will pardon me for riding to within about a half mile of the Potomac
and taking a peek about toward the succession batteries just opposite. I
looked through the captain’s glass and saw two succession flags flying just
across the ferry. They were floating over the batteries which let fly into the
federal fleet the other night, and caught one schooner, loaded with hay, so I
counted distinctly four guns and a place for another on the upper battery and
three guns at the lower one. The gentleman at whose house I went to make
the observation with the captains. Glass is named Josie. As I write this
very moment, a heavy gun has been fired across there. They can throw their
balls and shells easily over to our side and I suppose could perhaps send them
to the camp, if they knew where we are. They have thrown them into the fields
near Mr. Josie‘s house and have been picked up there. The March today has
been one of much the same character as yesterday. We had no Sunday at all
yesterday, and there was more than one sorry. I suppose we will stay here a few
days how long I do not know. We may get home this week, and we may not. I hope
we will. It is a little novel to look at a real succession flag and see
succession batteries, for we have not yet seen them. I could distinguish
persons on the other side with the glass. The river here is not far from 2
miles ride and we are about 1 mile away so they will have to put a good deal of
powder to send their balls here. Another gun is off. Let them pop. I suppose
they are trying some vessel on the river. They have been in the habit of coming
over here in small boats every few days but they have not been over since
Friday of last week. Mr. Marbury at whose house I stayed last night said
he saw them and talked with them and they were from Texas. We have another
company of Calvary joined us today. A third gun is off. They are probably
practicing a bit no. 4 is off. I am all well but my jaw. I hope it will soon be
relieved so I will not be any more trouble with it. Thus far I have stood this
March well of course I could do it for I always ride and the officers do not
think best to encourage riding on the part of others. Billy has stood it well,
and sometimes will whinnie and kick up and play antics right well. It is now
about 5 PM. I would say, and we should soon be enveloped in darkness. One
captain with the colonel and major are out now after a look at the rebels.The Capts ? will probably be accomplished in a few days, and we shall take the
backtrack to camp C. I presume we will be perhaps employed in this very kind of
work till winter sets in or perhaps all winter. You cannot tell you how much I
wish to be with you all and how glad I shall be to hold you to my heart. Marva
did not get to me before we left and so I have not received the cake. Thus runs
the fortunes of war. You did not say what other things were sent. In the letter
I sent this morning were are some little things picked up on the way here. The
cedar spring is right of the Potomac and Fort Washington. The mail bag will not
probably be able to go up and back but every other day so you will not hear as
often from me. and I now goodbye I am your affectionate and devoted
Tuesday morning. I slept in my clothes
last night and pretty well. Willard was out a good part of the night on the
beach scouting with six men. It commenced to rain in the night and is going
hard this very moment, we may be detained here for a few days when we expect to
return to camp. I have not time to write any more now, and will begin another
letter in the day. Willard saw nothing. The firing yesterday was at a
schooner, passing. They did not hit her one of the shells passed over to our
side and the boys brought it in. It was from a rifle canon and was 14 inches
long and 6 inches in diameter. (draws a picture of the shell) a little brown
screw in the point screws in lead so that when it struck it would explode the
cap underneath and break it. Willard is well and my jaw does not grumble
very bad. I will write on every occasion. Keep a good heart for me and pray for
our safe return. We have a heavy body of Cavalry scouting the country and
our generals are out all the time. No one could surprise us. I must now
close. with kindest wishes for all my dear ones at home I remain your obedient
faithful Levi. We have no news. All is quiet don’t have any fears. They have no
chances to come over in any body. If they come, they will catch a.? Remember me kindly to all. It was a
little amusing to see a shell in camp still hot from the other side.!! Ha Ha,
your own Levi
Opposite Budds Ferry or near it 1 mile Oct
23 1861
My Darling Wife
I sent this by a messenger at Camp
Caldwell to keep you aware of our state and condition. The sun is now shining,
and we are drying off.
Willard and I have a fire before our tent.We
had a terrible accident in camp yesterday from some grown men fooling here with
a bombshell picked up by our boys, which was thrown by the rebels at a
schooner, passing. It came over to our side and lodged on the shore. The boys
put fire into it and set it off. One poor fellow Rouse of Dunkirk was terribly
mangled and died last night. Daily of Dunkirk will probably die. Donahue may
live. 7 others were wounded most of them Dunkirk boys, none seriously but the
three. I am glad to see Mawn this morning who came from Camp Caldwell
yesterday. The cake I guess will spoil at camp C. He did not bring anything
along with him. We are to bury this man today. Rouse. I suppose I am to bury
him. I must go and find out about a burial place. Our engineer captain is
off today on one of his expeditions to examine rebel positions. I will write
again by the possibility tomorrow and you will keep hearing from me as the time
goes on. I try to take good care of myself for your sake and the children my
jaw is not better. My love to all I send this by feeble letter. Love and kisses
to all ever your faithful. Levi W Norton