James R. Dobbyn 1st D.C. Cav ALS, 2 1/4PP, 8vo, Dobbyns Blames Ben Butler that Richmond has not fallen.
of the James
the Field
13th 1865
received your long looked for letter a few days ago and was glad to hear
from you because I thought something was the matter not getting any letter for
so long. I am enjoying very good health. Had a bad cold as usual
every winter. In reference to getting a furlough that is played out if my
Captain was here (he is wounded and in Washington) I would stand a chance of
getting home about the 10th of February or 1st of March but as it is my chances
are very small indeed. As far as I am concerned I would just as leave
stay here with my time would be out and have the job finished and be rid of
it. It will only make me feel bad to come back again.
to satisfy all hands I have made application for one. It was the eighth
one on the list in applications made to Major Baker. He is allowed 5 at
one time to go home out of the... 20 days to Washington, 25 or 30 to New York
and further. Major Baker has a great many pets. They all will be
served first. The roads are horrible down here. There is a flood in the
James. The
pontoons have been washed away. The poor horses are most perished for
want of forage. Mine has within the last 144 hours 12 quarts of grain and 6 lbs
of hay. You can read the New York Herald through him. The Beast has gone
up. Thank God it was his fault that Richmond is still in the hands of the
enemy. He let it go by default 3 times to my own knowledge.
I must close good bye. I remain your affectionate brother,
R. Dobbyn