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Gen. John Palmer
Item #: 16617
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Gen. John Palmer Cabinet card (post-war silver print)
of the Civil War general, 15th Governor of Illinois, and
presidential candidate of the National Democratic Party in the 1896 election. During the war he was commissioned as colonel in the 14th Illinois Infantry. He was later instrumental in the Battle of Stones River. He served as Kentucky’s military governor for three years with the goal to eliminate slavery in the state. President Lincoln told him to "Go to Kentucky, keep your temper, do as you please, and I will sustain you." To his wife he opined in 1865 that "if [I] had been asked five or ten years ago what honor I would ask as the highest which could be conferred upon me I would have said let me destroy slavery in Kentucky.”
Shipping Weight: 0.25 lb
$75.00 USD
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