23072 E(lias)C. Mather 121st NY Infantry and 20thUSCI CDV Ink signed on the verso E.C. Mather 1st Lieut & Adgt. 20thUSCI. The 121st arrived on the field at Gettysburg on the evening of July 2 and took position on the north slope of Little Round Top. It held this position until the end of the battle, losing 2 enlisted men wounded. Back marked The New Orleans photographic Company, 57 Camp St. With orange 2 cent revenue stamp.
Elias C. Mather
Residence was not listed; 22 years old.
Enlisted on 8/14/1862 at Burlington, NY as a
On 8/23/1862 he mustered into "K" Co. NY 121st Infantry
He was discharged for promotion on 6/1/1864
On 6/1/1864 he was commissioned into
"G" Co. US CT 20th Infantry
(date and method of discharge not given)
* 2nd Lieut 7/13/1864
* 1st Lieut 12/1/1864 (1st Lieut & Adjutant
(estimated date))
* 12/1/1864 from company G to Field & Staff
(Estimated Date as of 20th USCT Infantry)